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HomeASAO Books


The Editor for ASAO's book series is: 
Rupert Stasch (
Division of Social Anthropology
Free School Lane
Cambridge CB2 3RF
United Kingdom


  • The Anthropology of Empathy: Experiencing the Lives of Others in Pacific Societies, Doug Hollan and Jason Throop eds. (Berghahn Books 2011)
  • Christian Politics in Oceania, Matt Tomlinson and Debra McDougall, eds. (Berghahn Books 2012)
  • The Death of the Big Men and the Rise of the Big Shots: Custom and Conflict in East New Britain, Keir Martin (Berghahn Books 2013)
  • Creating a Nation with Cloth: Women, Wealth, and Tradition in the Tongan Diaspora, Ping-Ann Addo (Berghahn Books 2013)
  • The Polynesian Iconoclasm: Religious Revolution and the Seasonality of Power, Jeffrey Sissons (Berghahn Books 2014)
  • Engaging with Strangers: Love and Violence in the Rural Solomon Islands, Debra McDougall (Berghahn Books 2016)
  • Mortuary Dialogues: Death Ritual and the Reproduction of Moral Community in Pacific Modernities, David Lipset and Eric K. Silverman, eds. (Berghahn Books 2016)
  • Mimesis and Pacific Transcultural Encounters: Making Likeness in Time, Trade, and Ritual Configurations, Jeannette Mageo and Elfriede Hermann, eds. (Berghahn Books 2017)
  • Dreams Made Small: The Education of Papuan Highlanders in Indonesia, Jenny Munro. (Berghahn Books 2018)
  • Money Games: Gambling in a Papua New Guinea Town, Anthony J. Pickles. (Berghahn Books 2019)
  • Authenticity and Authorship in Pacific Island Encounters: New Lives of Old Imaginaries, Jeannette Mageo and Bruce Knauft, eds. (Berghahn Books 2021)
  • In Memory of Times to Come: Ironies of History in Southeastern Papua New Guinea, Melissa Demian. (Berghahn Books 2021)


    1. Adoption in Eastern Oceania, Vern Carroll ed. (University of Hawaii Press 1970)
    2. Land Tenure in Oceania, Henry P. Lundsgaarde ed. (University of Hawaii Press 1974)    Available Online
    3. Pacific Atoll Populations, Vern Carroll ed. (University of Hawaii Press 1975)
    4. Transactions in Kinship: Adoption and Fosterage in Oceania, Ivan Brady ed. (University of Hawaii Press 1976)     Available Online
    5. Exiles and Migrants in Oceania, Michael D. Lieber ed. (University of Hawaii Press 1977)   Available Online
    6. Mission, Church, and Sect in Oceania, James A. Boutilier, Sharon Tiffany and Daniel T. Hughes, eds. (University of Michigan Press 1978; University Press of America 1984)
    7. The Pacification of Melanesia, Margaret Rodman and Matthew Cooper, eds. (University of Michigan Press 1979; University Press of America 1983)
    8. Siblingship in Oceania: Studies in the Meaning of Kin Relations, Mac Marshall ed. (University of Michigan Press 1979; University Press of America 1983)
    9. Middlemen and Brokers in Oceania, William L. Rodman and Dorothy Counts, eds. (University of Michigan Press 1982; University Press of America 1983)
    10. Aging and its Transformations: Moving toward Death in the Pacific, David Counts and Dorothy Counts, eds. (University Press of America 1985; University of Pittsburgh Press 1992)
    11. Drugs in Western Pacific Societies, Lamont Lindstrom ed. (University Press of America 1987)
    12. Christianity in Oceania, John Barker ed. (University Press of America 1990)
    13. Clowning as Critical Practice: Performance Humor in the South Pacific, William Mitchell ed. (University of Pittsburgh Press 1992)
    14. The Business of Marriage: Transformations in Oceanic Matrimony, Richard Marksbury ed. (University of Pittsburgh Press 1993)
    15. Migration and Transformations: Regional Perspectives on New Guinea, Andrew Strathern and Gabriele Stürzenhofecker, eds. (University of Pittsburgh Press 1994)
    16. Adolescence in Pacific Island Societies, Gilbert Herdt and Stephen C. Leavitt, eds. (University of Pittsburgh Press 1998)
    17. Money and Modernity: State and Local Currencies in Melanesia, David Akin and Joel Robbins, eds. (University of Pittsburgh Press 1999).  
    18. Identity Work: Constructing Pacific Lives, Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern, eds. (University of Pittsburgh Press 2000)
    19. In Colonial New Guinea: Anthropological Perspectives, Naomi M. McPherson, ed. (University of Pittsburgh Press 2001)
    20. Handle with Care: Ownership and Control of Ethnographic Materials, Sjoerd Jaarsma, ed. (University of Pittsburgh Press 2002)
    21. Women As Unseen Characters: Male Ritual In Papua New Guinea,Pascale Bonnemere, ed. (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004)  Ordering Information


    Editor Lamont Lindstrom, University of Tulsa

    1. Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities: Structure in the Early History of the Sandwich Islands Kingdom, Marshall Sahlins (University of Michigan Press 1981)
    Ordering Information

    2. History's Anthropology: The Death of William Gooch, Greg Dening (University Press of America 1988; rev. ed. University of Hawaii Press 1995)

    3. Partial Connections, Marilyn Strathern (Rowman & Littlefield 1991); rev. ed. AltaMira Press 2004 
    Ordering Information