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HomeHealth & Safety

ASAO Meeting 2023 - Covid-19 Health and Safety


We look forward to gathering in Kona! While we recognize that not all individuals will be able to attend an in-person meeting, we aim to have a safe and inclusive space for those who are able to attend. 


Please make sure to check the links below for the most up-to-date information:


We ask all attendees to:

  • Be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 prior to attending the meeting.
  • Follow relevant guidance provided by the WHO, CDC, and/or your local health authority regarding exposure, testing, and quarantine related to COVID-19.
  • Adhere to government-issued travel restrictions and guidance issued by the WHO, CDC, and/or the local health authority in the regions you will be traveling to and from.
  • Be vigilant in monitoring your health.
  • Stay home if you feel unwell or if you are knowingly exposed to COVID-19, develop symptoms of COVID-19, or test positive for COVID-19 within 14 days prior to the event.


  1. Personal Protective Equipment – Attendees have the option to wear a mask during the meeting. Masks will be available in the registration area for anyone who would like one. 
  2. Indicate Your Desired Level of Interaction with Fellow Attendees – We understand we’re all at different places in our comfort with re-entry into the social world and groups of people. It’s important to respect each other’s wishes regarding how we would like to interact. Feel welcome to select and display either a red, yellow, or green sticker on your badge to indicate your level of comfort with attendee interaction. Stickers will be located at the registration desk.
  • Red - Remain six feet apart
  • Yellow - Proceed with caution (elbow bumps okay)
  • Green - Open to handshakes with frequent hand washing



The CDC recommends taking the following precautions after returning from travel:

  • Self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms; isolate and get tested if you develop symptoms.
  • Follow all state and local recommendations or requirements after travel.



For international travelers:


If you have any questions, please reach out to ASAO Board of Directors Chair Cristela Garcia-Spitz at


This statement was adapted from the American Anthropological Association as well as other websites.